LIFE, fashion, animals, nom nom's and a sprinkle of DIY :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Tough in more than one way

Things have been a little rough as of late.  Not even sure how to describe them.  One thing I now know from what has happened is that I do in fact love my dog and wouldn't give her up for the world. She's part of my family and I never want to see her hurt again.

 Post dog attack and she's fine, like nothing even happened...

Tough in more than one way...


  1. kathleen.. what happened to blue? what's going on? i hope everything is okay with her and you & tony.

    1. She got attacked by another dog on one of our walks a few weeks ago. She's fine but I'm kind of messed up from it (psychologically). She seems as happy as can be which is good!

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