LIFE, fashion, animals, nom nom's and a sprinkle of DIY :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Part of Something Bigger

He had to be discharged before he could reenlist.

Standing by my man :)

I even got my very own certificate of appreciation!

Reenlisted + a flag!

"I love me" plaque.

I took part in something bigger than myself today.  My love reenlisted this morning and asked me to be part of his ceremony.  It was nerve wracking and gratifying all at the same time.  Makes me so fortunate to be part of such a big moment in his life.  He makes me so proud and some days I can't even believe we've made it through so much together (2 deployments, countless field exercises, school and last minute change of plans).  Can't wait to marry this man!


The flash kind of blurred out the details of the shells but I get a new phone with  an amazing camera tomorrow so hopefully my photog skills get an upgrade!


  1. aw the love you guys share is so amazing and beautiful. :)

  2. what an honor!! major congrats to tony! i know you are so proud of him and love him so much. and i know he feels the exact same way about you! you guys have been through so much together and are stronger each time! that is true love :)
