LIFE, fashion, animals, nom nom's and a sprinkle of DIY :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Trying to distract

The past couple of days have been a whirl wind of activity for me!  I'm trying to distract myself from missing my man.  It's only been a week since he's been gone but it never get's easier :(  Anyways first there were triple digits in Orange County CA to straight up galloping on a horse trail...

Flea market & first time at Ikea.  It was sooooo hot that we abandoned shopping at the flea market super early.  Our bodies just couldn't take the 100+ heat.  I am not made for SoCal weather at all!
Rubber duckies taken to a WHOLE nother level!

puppy purses

super cute tissue box covers.  so what if me and g-ma's have similar tastes when it comes to such fabrics!



Floating sushi restaurant =  my weakness

Exhausted after the first walk thru of Ikea

Testing out reading chairs

Rocking my new lace tennis shoes
Horseback riding 2nd time:

Not sure where I'm looking but this horse really wanted to eat my necklace and shirt!

Trying to eat my phone!  But his eyeball was AWESOME!  Blue and brown!

going up a mountain!
Sweet secret forest trail

Ready to go riding

My horse was a rebel, he didn't walk on pavement!

Lone ranger off to the side

Beautiful scenery!
Horseback riding takes so much out of you!  I haven't felt so exhausted in a long time!  I experienced galloping for the first time in this session.  Not going to lie I thought I was going to die! As a novice when the horse goes any faster than a walk I freak out, haha!  At least I finally figured out how to lift myself up off the saddle when such things happen so the pain factor is dramatically decreased.  After that it got a lot better and I actually felt like I kind of knew what I was doing :)

1 comment:

  1. I know it's hard on you when tony is away but I'm so glad you found some fun things to do with your friends! the flea market looks so awesome!! but OC weather sucks when it's hot and it's been really humid too. and love the pics of the horses!!
